Welcome to this information page about how this site works.

Often when we start something new we can get a bit bamboozled as to how it works. Well I do any way, so that's why I am writing this for you.

Why and How to Enrol

It is free to enrol and you only enrol once. Do that the first time you come to this site

Enrolling gets you into the school and you can see and read about all the courses

The Enrol Now Button is on the opening home page and looks like this:

It is different to the 'Enrol in Course' button shown here.

Left click the 'Enrol Now' orange button and it opens for you

Enter the details and that's it. You are enrolled into 'Online Pastel Learning' (OPAL) and can access the courses anytime you want to look or do, by clicking the login button.

The Login Button

Only use this after you have enrolled. Enrol once, your info is saved and then its simply log in each time OPAL is opened on your device.

Downloading a PDF or Image or Text file:

Most of these things are made as 'downloadable'. Some that we think you won't need to are not downloadable,just to save time and space for you.

If it is a Download it will have that word at the bottom of the screen under the image on the left hand side.

Not sure how to download them? Follow this along and take your time.

  • Go to the bottom of the page you are looking at and find the heading 'Download'
  • hold the cursor(little arrow thingy) over the paperclip and description ending in .pdf (its in orange at the bottom of the page you want to download under the heading "Download"
  • left click this and it will download onto your PC or Laptop.
  • put the cursor on this download (you will find it parked in the bottom left of your screen)
  • left click on it and the download will open in a new window
  • go to the top of this new window on the right, and see the print symbol. click this and it will go to your printing as per normal.

How do I pay for the Course?

When you want to buy a course go to the bottom of the page that describes all about the course.

There will be an orange section that looks like this....

Put the cursor onto which of the payments you want to make and left click into the circle.

The circle will change colour and take you to a payment window.

Choose either PayPal or Credit Card or a Debit Card with a chip in it works too.

Fill in the details and the course is now open to you.

If you make a mistake that's okay, go back one window and start again.

How Does the Course run?

A paid or a free course needs you to enrolled into it first to open it.

When ready to start this is what you will see: (image below)

All the lectures are open. Click instant next lecture and work your way through the course.

It is possible to select any one of the lectures and jump ahead or go back to refresh.

The slide bar on the left off screen with show how much of the course you have completed.